Source Information

Perfect Harmony Crate

Added in version on 2021-05-05

This item source is no longer available in the game.
Dupe Protection

This item source is dupe protected. Items marked with will not drop again after you obtained them. Instead, the remaining dupe protected items' drop chance is increased.

  Additional Information

  • Rarity: Epic
  • Paid Only: Yes
Item Name Camo Name Item Type Rarity Drop Chance
AK-47 Koi Pond Assault Epic 0.30%
Katana Koi Pond Base Melee Epic 0.80%
Calling Card Element of Surprise Calling Card Epic 1.00%
Charm Orizuru Charm Epic 1.00%
Sticky Grenade Koi Pond Lethal Epic 0.80%
Arctic .50 Koi Pond Sniper Epic 0.30%
M4 Perfect Balance Assault Rare 5.00%
Axe Dragonfly Axe Uncommon 9.50%
Knife Perfect Balance Knife Rare 5.00%
Frag Grenade Dragonfly Lethal Uncommon 9.60%
MW11 Perfect Balance Pistol Rare 7.50%
Fennec Perfect Balance SMG Rare 5.00%
PDW-57 Dragonfly SMG Uncommon 9.00%
Echo Dragonfly Shotgun Uncommon 9.50%
Outlaw Dragonfly Sniper Uncommon 9.00%
Sticker Kitten Emperor Sticker Rare 7.70%
Flashbang Grenade Dragonfly Tactical Uncommon 9.50%
Trophy System Dragonfly Tactical Uncommon 9.50%