Source Information

Tactical Cutie Crate

Added in version on 2020-11-18

This item source is no longer available in the game.
Dupe Protection

This item source is dupe protected. Items marked with will not drop again after you obtained them. Instead, the remaining dupe protected items' drop chance is increased.

  Additional Information

  • Rarity: Epic
  • Paid Only: Yes
Item Name Camo Name Item Type Rarity Drop Chance
BK57 Going Kawaii Assault Epic 0.30%
Sticky Grenade Serpentine Lethal Epic 0.70%
MW11 Serpentine Pistol Epic 0.30%
AK-47 Labyrinth Assault Rare 5.00%
AK117 Crackle Assault Uncommon 6.50%
Knife Labyrinth Knife Rare 5.00%
RPD Crackle LMG Uncommon 6.50%
UL736 Crackle LMG Uncommon 6.50%
FHJ-18 Crackle Launcher Uncommon 6.50%
Frag Grenade Labyrinth Lethal Rare 5.00%
Sticky Grenade Crackle Lethal Uncommon 7.00%
Trip Mine Crackle Lethal Uncommon 7.00%
Frag Grenade Crackle Lethal Uncommon 7.00%
MW11 Labyrinth Pistol Rare 5.00%
J358 Crackle Pistol Uncommon 6.50%
MW11 Crackle Pistol Uncommon 6.50%
GKS Labyrinth SMG Rare 5.00%
Smoke Grenade Crackle Tactical Uncommon 6.70%
Concussion Grenade Crackle Tactical Uncommon 7.00%