Source Information

Underwater Demolition Crate

Added in version on 2020-09-16

This item source is no longer available in the game.
Dupe Protection

This item source is dupe protected. Items marked with will not drop again after you obtained them. Instead, the remaining dupe protected items' drop chance is increased.

  Additional Information

  • Rarity: Epic
  • Paid Only: Yes
Item Name Camo Name Item Type Rarity Drop Chance
BK57 Odyssey Assault Epic 0.29%
Karambit Echolocation Base Melee Epic 0.67%
Charm Charm - True North Charm Epic 0.67%
Frag Grenade Echolocation Lethal Epic 0.67%
Parachute Echolocation Parachute Epic 0.67%
J358 Echolocation Pistol Epic 0.67%
Pharo Echolocation SMG Epic 0.51%
Soldier UDT Frogman Soldier Epic 0.29%
Spray Spray - Survivalist Spray Epic 0.67%
Wingsuit Echolocation Wingsuit Epic 0.67%
LK24 Adaptable Assault Rare 1.50%
Avatar UDT Frogman Avatar Rare 1.50%
Backpack Adaptable Backpack 1 Rare 1.50%
Backpack Giraffe Backpack 1 Uncommon 3.00%
Calling Card Allig8r Calling Card Rare 1.50%
Clown Giraffe Class Skill Uncommon 3.00%
Defender Giraffe Class Skill Uncommon 3.00%
Mechanic Giraffe Class Skill Uncommon 3.00%
Medic Giraffe Class Skill Uncommon 3.00%
Ninja Giraffe Class Skill Uncommon 3.00%
Scout Giraffe Class Skill Uncommon 3.02%
Emote Too Young to Die Emote Rare 1.50%
Frame Adaptable Frame Frame Rare 1.50%
Knife Alligator Knife Uncommon 3.00%
UL736 Adaptable LMG Rare 1.50%
SMRS Adaptable Launcher Rare 1.50%
FHJ-18 Alligator Launcher Uncommon 3.00%
Frag Grenade Alligator Lethal Uncommon 3.00%
Sticky Grenade Alligator Lethal Uncommon 3.00%
Parachute Adaptable Parachute Rare 1.50%
Parachute Giraffe Parachute Uncommon 3.00%
MW11 Adaptable Pistol Rare 1.50%
J358 Alligator Pistol Uncommon 3.00%
MW11 Alligator Pistol Uncommon 3.00%
HG 40 Alligator SMG Uncommon 2.05%
HS0405 Alligator Shotgun Uncommon 2.05%
Striker Alligator Shotgun Uncommon 2.05%
DL Q33 Alligator Sniper Uncommon 2.00%
Locus Alligator Sniper Uncommon 2.05%
Soldier Sheriff - Adaptable Soldier Rare 1.50%
Sticker Sticker - Skulk Sticker Rare 1.50%
Smoke Grenade Adaptable Tactical Rare 1.50%
Concussion Grenade Alligator Tactical Uncommon 3.00%
Flashbang Grenade Alligator Tactical Uncommon 3.00%
Smoke Grenade Alligator Tactical Uncommon 3.00%
Motorcycle Adaptable Vehicle Rare 1.50%
Boat Adaptable Vehicle Rare 1.50%
Motorcycle Giraffe Vehicle Uncommon 3.00%
ATV Giraffe Vehicle Uncommon 3.00%
Wingsuit Adaptable Wingsuit Rare 1.50%
Wingsuit Giraffe Wingsuit Uncommon 3.00%