Source Information

Sharp Edges Crate

Added in version on 2020-07-20

This item source is no longer available in the game.

  Additional Information

  • Rarity: Epic
  • Paid Only: Yes
Item Name Camo Name Item Type Rarity Drop Chance
M4 Sickle Assault Epic 0.85%
AK-47 Trial and Error Assault Epic 0.85%
M16 Spoils Assault Rare 2.50%
AK-47 Distressed Assault Uncommon 4.50%
M16 Distressed Assault Uncommon 4.50%
Avatar Checkhov's Gun Avatar Rare 2.20%
Calling Card High Speed Calling Card Rare 2.20%
Frame Nuclear Frame Frame Rare 2.20%
Knife Snake Bite Knife Epic 2.00%
Knife Spoils Knife Rare 2.50%
Knife Distressed Knife Uncommon 5.50%
UL736 Spoils LMG Rare 2.50%
FHJ-18 Distressed Launcher Uncommon 5.50%
SMRS Distressed Launcher Uncommon 5.50%
Frag Grenade Snake Bite Lethal Epic 2.50%
Frag Grenade Distressed Lethal Uncommon 5.50%
Sticky Grenade Distressed Lethal Uncommon 5.50%
MW11 Spoils Pistol Rare 2.50%
J358 Distressed Pistol Uncommon 5.50%
PDW-57 Distressed SMG Uncommon 4.50%
Striker Distressed Shotgun Uncommon 5.00%
DL Q33 Distressed Sniper Uncommon 4.50%
Spray Spray - Compound Spray Rare 2.20%
Flashbang Grenade Spoils Tactical Rare 2.50%
Concussion Grenade Distressed Tactical Uncommon 5.50%
Flashbang Grenade Distressed Tactical Uncommon 5.50%
Smoke Grenade Distressed Tactical Uncommon 5.50%