Source Information

Outbreak Crate

Added in version on 2021-08-02

This item source is no longer available in the game.
Dupe Protection

This item source is dupe protected. Items marked with will not drop again after you obtained them. Instead, the remaining dupe protected items' drop chance is increased.

  Additional Information

  • Rarity: Epic
  • Paid Only: Yes
Item Name Camo Name Item Type Rarity Drop Chance
CR-56 AMAX Barrier Break Assault Epic 0.50%
Charm Lil' Ray Charm Epic 1.00%
Knife Barrier Break Knife Epic 0.80%
Cluster Grenade Barrier Break Lethal Epic 0.80%
Parachute Barrier Break Parachute Epic 0.80%
Soldier Zombie - Mob Guard Soldier Epic 0.30%
Spray Ghoul Troupe Spray Epic 1.00%
Flashbang Grenade Barrier Break Tactical Epic 0.80%
Wingsuit Barrier Break Wingsuit Epic 0.80%
Wrench Wrench Rig Wrench Epic 0.30%
AK-47 Crawlers Assault Rare 2.00%
M4 Brains! Assault Uncommon 4.00%
ICR-1 Brains! Assault Uncommon 4.00%
Avatar Zombie Avatar Rare 2.50%
Backpack Crawlers Backpack 1 Rare 2.00%
Backpack Brains! Backpack 1 Uncommon 5.20%
Calling Card Ghoul Whip Calling Card Rare 2.00%
Clown Brains! Class Skill Uncommon 5.00%
Medic Brains! Class Skill Uncommon 5.00%
Emote Quick 360 Emote Rare 2.00%
Frame Horde Frame Rare 2.50%
Knife Brains! Knife Uncommon 4.00%
SMRS Brains! Launcher Uncommon 4.00%
Frag Grenade Brains! Lethal Uncommon 4.00%
Parachute Brains! Parachute Uncommon 5.00%
.50 GS Crawlers Pistol Rare 2.00%
MW11 Brains! Pistol Uncommon 4.00%
Cordite Crawlers SMG Rare 2.00%
Locus Brains! Sniper Uncommon 4.00%
Sticker Hellcatraz Sticker Rare 2.50%
Concussion Grenade Brains! Tactical Uncommon 4.00%
Flashbang Grenade Brains! Tactical Uncommon 4.20%
Helicopter Crawlers Vehicle Rare 2.00%
Boat Brains! Vehicle Uncommon 5.00%
ORV Brains! Vehicle Uncommon 5.00%
Wingsuit Brains! Wingsuit Uncommon 5.00%