Posted on 2021-11-18 09:08 AM

No more updates

It is not without a heavy heart but I will stop updating the site starting today.

When I began developing CODM.GG the Covid19 crisis was in full effect in Germany. We were in lockdown and I had a lot of time on my hands. There wasn't anything else for me to play so I was full of enthusiasm about the game as well as the site.

Almost two years later, the Covid situation is even worse but I am no longer excited about the game. Updating the site became a chore I had to undertake daily - it was no longer fun. And frankly, I want to have fun when doing something as a hobby. Now I have other things to do and other games to play.

For that reason I have decided to stop updating the site. However, I will not shut it down as long as it is able to support itself financially so anyone interested in the game's history will still have a place to go.

To my volunteers who worked so hard with me to add everything to the site: it's been a blast and I can't thank you enough!

SIMON_RILey 4 months ago
Take care and stay safe, solider!

R4ndoomed 8 months ago

Greenman792004 1 year ago
We understand, maybe hand the site down to someone that can run it keep it in your name possibility, or someone who can help, it's something that I've been wanting getting to the field to do for work anyways Best of luck. I've been playing since it came out. Greenman792004 3rd 2020 & 2021 & in process stage 2 2023 Word Championship CODM

SW007SC 1 year ago
I understand completely and hope life is easy for you, but there are pictures I need that are not here, so is it possible to let other users contribute missing pictures that need to be added?

4kSamMashi 1 year ago
Yes of xourse ilove the game

Capt.Uragon 1 year ago
There's no update till now :( this is the only site I can hear the old theme of codm... Hoping you will update again or soon...

Cirphrank 2 years ago
Can you please create an option in the contribute section - for people to contribute whole content like fresh battle pass and all? More like how you do it.

Cirphrank 2 years ago
This is totally understood. You have been and still is an awesome man. Thank you for everything you've done and are still doing for the community. I pray Activision comes through with major sponsorship.

Rikabort 2 years ago
im god at sniping

Cyborg-Samurai 2 years ago
Is there a way to allow the community to continue contributing all these useful data? I have tried using Fandom but that has way too much information and its system is very clunky

Mushabgamer 2 years ago
More Update will be after COVID.

Codm_Ninja 2 years ago
thank you for everything stay safe

2YearsCODM 2 years ago
It's Ok, Stay Safe!

ACE1 2 years ago
Loved your work man. GGs dude. Stay safe bro.

kens28 2 years ago
so sad :(

dzakyman27 2 years ago
Much love and appreciation for your website bro. Sometimes I missed the old soundtrack, so this is the most useful website so far. Take care and stay safe, mate.

MasterKevlar 2 years ago
Grateful for the info, I appreciate that it was from the Heart

ReiDestruido 2 years ago
Goodbye, mate. I hope you stay well and happy no matter what you do. Thanks for everything.

CODM-is-Beano 2 years ago
We understand take care and much love.