Source Information

Heavy Storm Crate

Added in version on 2021-02-22

This item source is no longer available in the game.
Dupe Protection

This item source is dupe protected. Items marked with will not drop again after you obtained them. Instead, the remaining dupe protected items' drop chance is increased.

  Additional Information

  • Rarity: Epic
  • Paid Only: Yes
Item Name Camo Name Item Type Rarity Drop Chance
QQ9 Cyclone SMG Epic 0.20%
KRM 262 Future Buzz Shotgun Epic 0.30%
DL Q33 Blue Screen Sniper Epic 0.30%
Spray Spray - Future Sight Spray Epic 0.55%
HVK-30 Scatter Force Assault Rare 4.00%
Calling Card Dangerous Elements Calling Card Rare 4.00%
Knife Scatter Force Knife Rare 4.00%
Knife Screen Tear Knife Uncommon 9.00%
SMRS Scatter Force Launcher Rare 4.00%
Frag Grenade Scatter Force Lethal Rare 4.00%
MW11 Screen Tear Pistol Uncommon 9.00%
Pharo Scatter Force SMG Rare 4.00%
RUS-79U Screen Tear SMG Uncommon 9.00%
HS2126 Screen Tear Shotgun Uncommon 8.50%
M21 EBR Screen Tear Sniper Uncommon 8.50%
Sticker Data Chip Sticker Rare 4.00%
Flashbang Grenade Screen Tear Tactical Uncommon 9.00%
Smoke Grenade Screen Tear Tactical Uncommon 9.00%
Concussion Grenade Screen Tear Tactical Uncommon 8.65%