Source Information

Deep Squeeze Crate

Added in version on 2021-07-14

This item source is no longer available in the game.
Dupe Protection

This item source is dupe protected. Items marked with will not drop again after you obtained them. Instead, the remaining dupe protected items' drop chance is increased.

  Additional Information

  • Rarity: Epic
  • Paid Only: Yes
Item Name Camo Name Item Type Rarity Drop Chance
Man-O-War Enteroctopus Assault Epic 0.30%
Baseball Bat Enteroctopus Baseball Bat Epic 0.80%
Calling Card Deep Sea Battle Calling Card Epic 1.00%
Charm Mr. Smuggypuss Charm Epic 1.00%
Frame Kraken Frame Frame Epic 1.00%
PP19 Bizon Enteroctopus SMG Epic 0.30%
Cryo Bomb Enteroctopus Tactical Epic 0.80%
M4 Suckers Assault Rare 5.00%
Peacekeeper MK2 Catch of the Day Assault Uncommon 9.00%
Knife Catch of the Day Knife Uncommon 9.00%
UL736 Suckers LMG Rare 7.00%
Frag Grenade Catch of the Day Lethal Uncommon 9.00%
Trip Mine Catch of the Day Lethal Uncommon 9.60%
MSMC Suckers SMG Rare 5.00%
Razorback Catch of the Day SMG Uncommon 9.00%
HS2126 Catch of the Day Shotgun Uncommon 9.00%
NA-45 Suckers Sniper Rare 7.00%
Sticker Seabed Head Sticker Rare 7.00%
Trophy System Catch of the Day Tactical Uncommon 9.20%