Source Information

Carat Thief Draw

Added in version

This item source is no longer available in the game.

Lucky Draws can be very expensive! You can calculate the cost using the Lucky Draw Calculator.

  Additional Information

  • Rarity: Epic
  • Paid Only: Yes
Item Name Camo Name Item Type Rarity
LK24 1001 Nights Assault Rare
Type 25 Gridiron Football Assault Uncommon
Bundle Firebreak - Carat Thief and Backpack (Bundle) Bundle Epic
Bundle Firebreak - Carat Thief and Headgear (Bundle) Bundle Epic
Bundle Firebreak - Carat Thief and Clothing (Bundle) Bundle Epic
Emote Point Emote Uncommon
Frag Grenade Phobos Lethal Epic
PDW-57 1001 Nights SMG Rare
HS0405 Tank Shotgun Epic
BY15 1001 Nights Shotgun Rare