Seasonal: Rocket Arm guide

Seasonal: Rocket Arm guide
Welcome to the Rocket Arm Event guide! Most of the tasks presented in this Event are rather easy but pretty dependent on luck. In this guide, I'll try to help you to complete all of the objectives.

How it works

All of the seasonal events present you with a set of challenges to complete, and Rocket Arm is no different. You can't complete them all at once; instead, you'll have to complete them step by step, which makes things a little slow at times.
All of the objectives unlocking one after another makes sense though, since you are usually given a reward that's used in the next step. Even if you are missing a certain weapon, you'll be able to complete the event. In this event, however, that's not always the case.


Along with lots of Battle Pass XP and some XP cards you'll be able to get the following items:

Challenge 1 - Smoke Grenade

Just equip a Smoke Grenade in your loadout and throw it ten times. Easy! Just don't forget to actually throw it on each respawn ... trust me, it happens :)

Challenge 2 - Sticky Grenade

This task asks you to kill 5 enemies using Sticky Grenades, so equip it in your loadout (if you didn't have one, the previous task gave it to you). I suggest you play Hardpoint on Rust since the map is very simple to navigate and Hardpoint forces the opponents to gather on one spot, making this trivial. Just wait till the enemies have captured a Hardpoint and toss your Sticky Grenade right into the crowd. Should be over quickly.

Challenge 3 - Frag Grenade

Basically the same like before, just with a Frag Grenade. Just remember that Frag Grenades bounce, so position your throw carefully.

Challenge 4 - Trip Mine

This challenge wants you to kill 10 enemies with Trip Mines. If you don't have a Trip Mine, you'll either need to level your account to 36 or reach Elite III in Ranked Multiplayer. Depending on how far you have progressed the latter is likely quicker.

Once you have equipped your Trip Mine, just do the same as with the Sticky Grenade. Since the Mine doesn't simply explode, this can be a bit tricky to get right. I suggest you wait outside the Hardpoint until the enemies arrive (which is usually from around a corner if you are playing on Rust) and toss your Trip Mine just at their feet.

Challenge 5 - EMP

Now this is annoying! You'll need to use your EMP to disable five enemy Sentry Guns or SAM Turrets. If you don't have an EMP (it's a Tactical grenade) you'll need to level your account to 49 to unlock it.

Before you run off and toss EMPs at guns or turrets, a word of advice: equip the Cold-Blooded perk to avoid getting shot at by the Sentry Guns. It unlocks at player level 32.

Once your have the EMP, equip it in your loadout and go play Frontline on either Crash or Crossfire. The problem with this challenge is that many players use neither Sentry Gun nor SAM Turret because there are stronger or more useful Score Streaks available. You might have to play a good amount of matches to even see one Sentry Gun, but if you do, make haste to get there and carefully toss your EMP at the gun (not even going to talk about SAM Turrets here, they are so damn rare).

Different from grenades, the EMP recharges during battle, so you can repeat that more than once per spawn.

There's an easier way, however, but it requires the game mode "Rapid Fire" to be active. In Rapid Fire, people are much more eager to use Sentry Gun because the score streak charges much faster, so if Rapid Fire is available, play that instead of Frontline.

Of course, nothing is stopping you from playing a private match with friends and just have them use Sentry Guns (or SAM Turrets) for you to disable.

Challenge 6 - Hunter Killer Drone

If you got that far, congratulations, the worst part is over! The final challenge asks you to get 5 "Bullseye" medals, which you can get by killing opponents using the Hunter Killer Drone scorestreak. Equip this scorestreak and just go play Hardpoint on Rust - it's trivially easy to kill lots of people using the Drone there since they usually all sit on one spot. Regardless, this doesn't have to be in one game or at once anyway, so just go play whatever floats your boat and enjoy your new M16!