Attachments have changed greatly in Season 13 and need to be manually redone on the site. This will take quite some time, so apologies if this section isn't helpful right now.

Attachment Details

YKM Integral Suppressor Light


Added in version

Built-in silencer provides stealth performance and optimal mobility.

  • ADS Speed
  • Silenced
  • ADS Bullet Spread Accuracy
Camo Name Item Name Item Type Item Rarity
Antivenom LK24 Assault Epic
Black Gold M4 Assault Epic
CQB LK24 Assault Epic
Chromatic City LK24 Assault Epic
Dusk RUS-79U SMG Epic
Heat Stroke LK24 Assault Epic
Meteor Core ICR-1 Assault Epic
Moonstone RUS-79U SMG Epic
Nuclear Fallout ICR-1 Assault Epic
Troika RUS-79U SMG Epic
Werewolf Fighter M4 Assault Epic
ZX 7000 RUS-79U SMG Legendary