Attachments have changed greatly in Season 13 and need to be manually redone on the site. This will take quite some time, so apologies if this section isn't helpful right now.

Attachment Details

Stopping Power Reload


Added in version

Enlarges the caliber of ammo and enhances fire.

  • Damage
  • Damage Range
  • Magazine Capacity
  • ADS Speed
  • Reload Speed
  • Vertical Recoil Control
Camo Name Item Name Item Type Item Rarity
Bloody Vengeance Type 25 Assault Legendary
Cyberspace Type 25 Assault Epic
Heartbreaker Type 25 Assault Epic
Jungle Militia Type 25 Assault Epic
Lost Treasure Type 25 Assault Epic
Moonlight Rime Type 25 Assault Epic
Oni Type 25 Assault Epic
Password Protected Type 25 Assault Epic
Sanguine Type 25 Assault Epic
Steel Blue Type 25 Assault Epic
Zero-G J358 Pistol Epic